Monday, April 23, 2007

Horror Teaser Poster

I wanted to create a piece that was completely different from my other work. I then thought of creating a poster for a horror film festival in Philadelphia. This piece was created in Adobe Photoshop. I wanted this poster to be simple and scary so I started with a completely black background. Nothing is scarier than darkness and the unknown. The black reminds you of darkness in the night and knowing that anything could be hiding in that darkness. I searched long for the star of this poster. When I found this alien I knew he would make the perfect villain. I placed this photo into Photoshop and altered the saturation, contrast and colors. I then thought that there had to be some element referring to the city of Philadelphia since it was for that area. The alien’s big black eye was perfectly round and very terrifying; so I thought by putting the cityscape of Philadelphia in the alien’s eye would make this poster very effective because it gives the sensation that the alien is looking down on the city ready to attack. The final step was to add the text. Again, I wanted to keep this simple. All I put was the title and when the film festival is coming. I used a font that had a disturbing feel. I thought this would make a great teaser ad because it gets your attention and gets the point across very effectively. Also, this could make a great teaser campaign. The same idea could be executed with different villains. The posters could be placed around the city even on billboards and buildings. Overall I think this poster is frightening and would be ideal for a Philadelphia horror film festival.

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