Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Online Art projects

Check out these two online art project I did for my Internet Art Class.


The first art site was an adventure story. The assignment was to illustrate a story and each page had to have two options to navigate to. I choose a poem by Edger Allen, "A Dream Within A Dream". Each page is my vision of a dream based on Edgar's words. I created this in photoshop and dreamwaver.


The second art site was our final project. We had to create a one minute flash animation and incorporate it into 3 or more webpages. I decided to make the site about a human's subconscious; what goes on deep in our brains. The part of our minds that we might not even know exists. I chopped up the animation into three parts to show different parts of the human mind, from sensible thinking to non-sensible. I used flash, photoshop and dreamweaver to create this.

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